Stacking Windows
Windows can be stacked in a direction (left, down, up, right) using the komorebic stack
# example showing how you might bind this command
alt + left : komorebic stack left
alt + down : komorebic stack down
alt + up : komorebic stack up
alt + right : komorebic stack right
Windows can be popped from a stack using the komorebic unstack
# example showing how you might bind this command
alt + oem_1 : komorebic unstack # oem_1 is ;
Windows in a stack can be focused in a cycle direction (previous, next) using the
komorebic cycle-stack
# example showing how you might bind this command
alt + oem_4 : komorebic cycle-stack previous # oem_4 is [
alt + oem_6 : komorebic cycle-stack next # oem_6 is ]
Windows in a stack can have their positions in the stack moved in a cycle direction (previous, next) using the
komorebic cycle-stack-index
# example showing how you might bind this command
alt + shift + oem_4 : komorebic cycle-stack-index previous # oem_4 is [
alt + shift + oem_6 : komorebic cycle-stack-index next # oem_6 is ]
Windows in a stack can be focused by their index in the stack using the
komorebic focus-stack-window
All windows on the focused workspace can be combined into a single stack using the
komorebic stack-all
All windows in a focused stack can be popped using the komorebic unstack-all
It is possible to tell the window manager to stack the next opened window on top of the currently focused window by
using the
komorebic toggle-workspace-window-container-behaviour