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If you would like to use Autohotkey, please make sure you have AutoHotKey v2 installed.

Generally, users who opt for AHK will have specific needs that can only be addressed by the advanced functionality of AHK, and so they are assumed to be able to craft their own configuration files.

If you would like to try out AHK, here is a simple sample configuration which largely matches the whkdrc sample configuration.

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0.2
#SingleInstance Force

Komorebic(cmd) {
    RunWait(format("komorebic.exe {}", cmd), , "Hide")


; Focus windows
!h::Komorebic("focus left")
!j::Komorebic("focus down")
!k::Komorebic("focus up")
!l::Komorebic("focus right")

!+[::Komorebic("cycle-focus previous")
!+]::Komorebic("cycle-focus next")

; Move windows
!+h::Komorebic("move left")
!+j::Komorebic("move down")
!+k::Komorebic("move up")
!+l::Komorebic("move right")

; Stack windows
!Left::Komorebic("stack left")
!Down::Komorebic("stack down")
!Up::Komorebic("stack up")
!Right::Komorebic("stack right")
![::Komorebic("cycle-stack previous")
!]::Komorebic("cycle-stack next")

; Resize
!=::Komorebic("resize-axis horizontal increase")
!-::Komorebic("resize-axis horizontal decrease")
!+=::Komorebic("resize-axis vertical increase")
!+_::Komorebic("resize-axis vertical decrease")

; Manipulate windows

; Window manager options

; Layouts
!x::Komorebic("flip-layout horizontal")
!y::Komorebic("flip-layout vertical")

; Workspaces
!1::Komorebic("focus-workspace 0")
!2::Komorebic("focus-workspace 1")
!3::Komorebic("focus-workspace 2")
!4::Komorebic("focus-workspace 3")
!5::Komorebic("focus-workspace 4")
!6::Komorebic("focus-workspace 5")
!7::Komorebic("focus-workspace 6")
!8::Komorebic("focus-workspace 7")

; Move windows across workspaces
!+1::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 0")
!+2::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 1")
!+3::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 2")
!+4::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 3")
!+5::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 4")
!+6::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 5")
!+7::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 6")
!+8::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 7")

By default, the komorebi.ahk file should be located in the $Env:USERPROFILE directory, however, if $Env:KOMOREBI_CONFIG_HOME is set, it should be located there.

Once the file is in place, you can stop komorebi and whkd by running komorebic stop --whkd, and then start komorebi with Autohotkey by running komorebic start --ahk.