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komorebi only responds to WinEvents and the messages it receives on a dedicated socket.

komorebic is a CLI that writes messages on komorebi's socket.

komorebi doesn't handle any keyboard or mouse inputs; a third party program (e.g. whkd) is needed in order to translate keyboard and mouse events to komorebic commands.

This architecture, popularised by bspwm on Linux and yabai on macOS, is outlined as follows:

          PROCESS                SOCKET
whkd/ahk  -------->  komorebic  <------>  komorebi

Data Model

komorebi holds a list of physical monitors.

A monitor is just a rectangle of the available work area which contains one or more virtual workspaces.

A workspace holds a list of containers.

A container is just a rectangle where one or more application windows can be displayed.

This means that:

  • Every monitor has its own collection of virtual workspaces
  • Workspaces only know about containers and their dimensions, not about individual application windows
  • Every application window must belong to a container, even if that container only contains one application window
  • Many application windows can be stacked and cycled through in the same container within a workspace